online . We meet once a week to work on problems related to recent course material. Olin Shivers Room 318 College of Computer and Information Science WVH-202 Northeastern University Boston, Mass. Check Piazza regularly. Search for: Menu. The Piazza The course does not assume any prior programming CS2500: Introduction to Programming and Computing (Fundamentals I) Taught in: Fall 2012 (link to course website). CS2500: Problem Set 9 Due: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:59 PM. Course Project. Prerequisites: The course assumes a basic familiarity with arithmetic and algebra. questions and get answers from instructors, TAs, and fellow students. Fundies does not assume any prior programming experience. Bottlenose is a web-based assignment submission and grade tracking tool for Computer Science courses. recommend you check it daily, as we post news about the class there. In a large freshman course such as CS2500 you typically encounter three kinds of people, listed in increasing order of relevance to you: ... we will stick to the HtDP teaching languages plus teachpacks. Your comments will make a difference in the future planning and presentation of our curriculum. Don’t forget to fill out the survey for the lab course (CS2501) and your TAs Stevie and Vincent. End of Course Evaluation Surveys (TRACE) Your feedback regarding your educational experience in this class is very important to the College of Computer and Information Science. Materials. discussion board is a place where students can ask The topics are linked to detailed weekly lecture plans below. By the end of this course, you will have a sense for the differences between a programmer and a well-trained software engineer. Thanks for a great semester. Its major CS2500: Problem Set 9 Due: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:59 PM. Click this button. Some Images. Fri Sep 20 14:40:10 EDT 2013 Notify the Academic Operations Officer (, and cc:laneys @ as soon as you are aware that you must miss a class for any reason. We see how an attempt turned out, and we try again. The official clock is the time when your work was pushed to your repository at blerner@ccs . Purpose. Lecture 15: First-class Functions 1 First-class Functions. HOME; PROFILE; CURRICULUM ; COURSES OFFERED; COURSES OFFERED. Due: Tuesday, 10 December 2019, 11:59 p.m. For the course project in CS6200, you will form teams of two to four people. Teaching Assistants (TAs): Vincent St-Amour. This assignment is to be completed with the same partner as PS8. This course material is copyrighted and Northeastern University reserves all rights. Stevie Strickland. Welcome to the accelerated section of Fundamentals I at Northeastern University, College of Computer Science. If you don’t remember it, you should use the account recovery process instead; you cannot register for a second account. Wed Sep 9 09:33:59 EDT 2015. Course announcements will be posted there. goal is to introduce students to the principles of systematic problem Course Resources. In which we figure out how to think about programming a computer. Problems Part I Attendance is required for lectures, and, along with your engagement during lecture, it counts towards your participation grade. It’s due in this Thursday— on paper (not via Blackboard). Check Piazza regularly. Registers will be taken for all classes, and late arrival (later than 15 minutes) will be counted as an absence. Courses are listed by semester so please ensure you are looking at the right semester since courses often occur for multiple semesters. Exam 2 is on Wed. Mar 20th in class. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) is the study of concepts and theories, algorithmic foundations, implementation, and application of information and computing solutions. experience. No phones are permitted in the classroom. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing (BSEMC): (Specialized in Game Development & Digital Animation Technology) Bachelor of Science in Information Systems … It has key information you'll need, including office hours for all the course staff. Java is used so we can learn how the principles are used in practical applications, and gives us an opportunity to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of languages and paradigms. It is therefore suitable for all freshman students—majors Welcome! We recommend familiarizing yourself with the website layout early in the semester. It envisions to produce competent graduates that shall cater the needs of the ICT industry. Instructors will also post general announcements, so check back frequently! Course Resources. You may bring one piece of paper to the exams, double-sided, with anything written (or typed) on it that you want. Its major goal is to introduce students to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. Return to basic course information. Monday 3:00-4:30pm (Stratford), Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm (Stratford). March 25, 2013. In Lecture 7: Defining functions, we introduced the ability for our programs to define functions that we could then call in other expressions in our program.Our programs were a sequence of function definitions, followed by one main expression. As of problem set 3, you will get a grade only if you turn in your problem set with a partner. cs2500 hw3 prom3(6) Northeastern University; CS 2500 - Spring 2013; Register Now. DrScheme is installed on the CCS computers. NOTE! Labs will usually include some group work as well as an individual assignment. Science. cs2500 hw3 prom3(6) 2 pages. That was the first big Course Website; Discussions (Piazza) Lecture Code & Notes; Some Images; Nat Tuck ntuck ⚓ 314 West Village H NatTuck. (The course website has a table of all the lab sections and lists the names of all the TA's.) Our major goal is to introduce you to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. NEU College of Computer Studies (CCS) is the response of the University to the above mandate of the Commission. The course does not assume any prior programming experience. Object-Oriented Design, Spring 2013: - kehphin/CS3500; MAIN - NEW ERA UNIVERSITY College of Computer Studies. – we Course Resources. It does assume familiarity with (high-school-level) arithmetic and algebra, and it demands curiosity, self-discipline, and the capacity to work well with others. If you use a laptop, use it only to take notes. Assignment goals: Understanding how Scheme works; Getting more comfortable with recursion on structures other than lists; Abstraction! Email: : Prof. Karl Lieberherr Office: 308A West Village H Office Hours: Monday 9-10 am; Tue 10:40 am-11:40am My office is WVH 308A inside WVH 308. As part of that, of course, we looked at how this new programming model fared against both the Bolt model and our old event model. CS2500 Exam 2 — Fall 2013 Your Name: Instructor: This exam is open-book, open-notes. I have starred the link in the image below which also shows what the Courses page looks like. Homeworks. If you are a student who has an older email address, you should use that instead of your account. Piazza; Read the course site. 02115 +1 617 373.31.46 (voice) However, a late homework loses 7 points for each full calendar day (or part of a day) that it is late after the deadline. If you do not have a partner, please email William Bowman (wilbowma at ccs neu edu) with your name and MyNEU username. Accelerated I. There will be 1 problem set per week. You will submit your solution on the Khoury Bottlenose server (which we'll cover in the first lab). General information. If you believe a prob- CS2500: Introduction to Programming and Computing (Fundamentals I) Taught in: Fall 2012 (link to course website). Welcome to CS2500. In a large freshman course such as CS2500 you typically encounter three kinds of people, listed in increasing order of relevance to you: Instructor: Jesse Tov. Remember to watch the "Blog" section at the bottom of the course website for annoucements. and non-majors alike—who wish to explore the intellectual ideas of the We will have two one-hour midterm exams during the semester, as well as a final exam. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. We’re done! This is the home page for Sections 1 and 2 of CS 4530 (Fundamentals of Software Engineering) and Sections 2, 6, and 7 of CS 5500 (Foundations of Software Engineering). Its major goal is to introduce students to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. It is suitable for all students, majors and non-majors alike, who wish to explore the ideas behind the discipline of computer science. CS2500 Blog. Submissions will be accepted up to 48 hours after the deadline with a 50% penalty. Nat Tuck, CCS Lecturer @ Northeastern CS 2500 - Fundamentals of Computer Science 1. CS 3500 teaches a rigorous approach to object-oriented programmingand design, with an emphasis on abstraction, modularity, andcode reuse as applied to the building and understanding oflarge-scale systems.We will explore the basic mechanisms and conceptsof object-oriented programming:object, cl… If you are in IS4200, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss a project. It has key information you'll need, including office hours for all the course staff. Thursday 3:00–4:30pm, and by appointment. They’ve extended the deadline. A. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. React ended up really surprising a lot of people— enough so, in fact, that it was shipped almost immediately as part of our “liking and commenting” interface on News Feed. Purpose. You will also have a sense of the complexities involved in developing solid software. In which we figure out how to think about programming a computer. Our major goal is to introduce you to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. If you have previously used the handin server in another course, then you have already created a Khoury account. March 18, 2013. We will cover roughly the same topics as the CS2500 courses in Boston, but we'll have different schedules, exams, and homework assignments. You can get to them from myNEU. solving through programming and the basic rules of computation.; MAIN - NEW ERA UNIVERSITY College of Computer Studies. In my classroom, please ask questions, and answer questions! This assignment is to be completed with the same partner as PS8. Ask for a new lab partner, and it shall be done. Problems Part I Course announcements will be posted there. Each problem set has the programming language that you must use for the assignment, the due date, and a purpose. CCIS Tutors: See here. In computer science, we seldom get anything right on the first try. Assignment goals: Understanding how Scheme works; Getting more comfortable with recursion on structures other than lists; Abstraction! To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum for the discussion of ideas. HOME; PROFILE; CURRICULUM; COURSES OFFERED; WELCOME “The field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is dynamic. Its advancement and development had been rapid and its development is continuous process. If you're looking for Fundies, OOD, or CS5001, that's Develop a program that consumes a lab section and returns a descriptive string similar to "CS 2501 Section 3: George Washington, John Adams" . I’m supposed to once again encourage you to complete TRACE online course evaluation surveys. The final grade for this course will be weighted as follows. CS 4410 covers the implementation of efficient compilers for programming languages. We recommend familiarizing yourself with the website layout early in the semester. Nat Tuck ntuck ⚓ 314 West Village H NatTuck. Course objectives The goal is to help you understand the principles of class-based program design using an object-oriented programming language(s), not just Java. When you come to class, I ask that you be fully present. You may submit homework up to 5 days late. You'll break down big problems into smaller ones and put your problem-solving skills to work with programming. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. Student Name: CS 2500/Accelerated Exam 2—Fall 2018 Amal Ahmed November 27, 2018 •We will not answer questions during the exam. I like our classroom to reflect that approach as well; so please answer a question that's been posed, even if you're not sure of the answer. Courses taught 2006–present Northeastern University Semester Course Subject Students 2016 Spring CS U4410/G6410 Compilers 18 2015 Fall CS2500 Introduction to Programming and Computing 405 2015 Spring CS2800 Logic and Computation 90 2014 Fall CS2500 Introduction to Programming and Computing 400 2014 Spring On sabbatical 2013 Fall On sabbatical The readings point into the on-line version of the text book. You'll finish this semester prepared to continue your course of study in computer science at Khoury College. • We will not answer any questions during the exam. Search for: Menu. Software. This is section of the course web page is the "blog" – we recommend you check it daily, as we post news about the class here. When it does, contact your lab TA (you can consult the course web page to find out who runs your lab, and to find out that person’s email address). By the end of this course, you will have a sense for the differences between a programmer and a well-trained software engineer. Homeworks will be assigned (roughly) every week. Programming assignments will use several pieces of software: OCaml, version 4.09 or higher (the latest is 4.11.1) – there have been breaking changes in the standard library prior to 4.09, and not all of the starter code might work for you otherwise.. OUnit, a unit-testing framework similar to JUnit.The easiest way to install OUnit is via OPAM, the OCaml package manager. The Piazza discussion board is a place where students can ask questions and get answers from instructors, TAs, and fellow students. algebra, and it demands a basic degree of curiosity, self-discipline, and All labs will take place in WVH 212 from now on. Enjoy your summer and keep programming. Email: : Prof. Michael Weintraub Office: … You may use any books, any notes, any written materials you brought along. Course Hero, Inc. Homework 1 is up! You are primarily responsible for the readings. Moreover, if you submit your homework late it will be graded with next week’s batch of assignments, so you’ll receive your score much later than if you submit on time. Next to the course you want to register for (CS2500 in Fall 2017) you should see a button. About CS2500 (London) Welcome to Fundies I! Its major goal is to introduce students to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. You are required to work with a partner for the problem sets. The End. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Section I: Friday 9:00-10:00am (Marleybone). Welcome to CS2500. Nat Tuck, CCS Lecturer @ Northeastern CS 2500 - Fundamentals of Computer Science 1. If WVH 308 is locked please call me at 617 373 2077 and I will let you in. You must attend the lab. Its major goal is to introduce students to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation. To face this challenges of advancement, the Commission on Higher Education … Welcome to CS2500. Some Images. The division of labor in the group will be described below. Welcome to Fundamentals I at Northeastern University, College of Computer This course is an introduction to computing and programming. – we recommend you check it daily, as we post news about the class there. You'll be able to apply what we learn to solve many non-computational problems in a systematic way. Your work is late if it is not turned in by the deadline. Instructors TAs teach labs, supervise the grading of homework sets, hold office hours, and occasionally substitute in lectures. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. The Course Site. The exams will test material similar to that assigned in weekly homeworks and labs. Note: This Bottlenose instance is for CS3650 (Systems) and CS4550 (Web Dev). Mon Sep 14 00:01:18 EDT 2015. It is therefore suitable for freshmen students---majors and non-majors alike---who wish to explore the intellectual ideas of the discipline. Student Name: CS 2500/Accelerated Exam 2—Fall 2017 Matthias Felleisen November 15, 2017 • The exam is a one-hour exam. Ben Lerner . This is section of the course web page is the "blog" – we recommend you check it daily, as we post news about the class here. Please be respectful of your fellow students and me by participating attentively and non-disruptively. willingness to work with others. By the end of the course, majors in computer science will have a sense for difference between a programmer and a well-trained software developer. It does assume a basic familiarity with arithmetic and will also post general announcements, so check back frequently! The Course Site. This course is an introduction to computing and programming. discipline. Piazza; Read the course site. 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